Monday, April 26, 2010

cause and effect

The cause and effect website reading and exercises were definitely helpful when it comes to understanding the concept of cause and effect. I thought I pretty much got the gist of the subject and idea when I was reading this in the book. However, when I got onto the website, I read so many new information about it that the book did not talk about. I guess the book was just letting us know the overview and the very basics of cause and effect. So it was definitely interesting to find out so many other aspects of the concept. I really liked how the website had quiz questions to test us on our knowledge. It was extremely helpful when I would get a question wrong, and the website would let me know why the answer I chose was not the correct one, and then it would allow me to take another guess as to what the answer was. That was my favorite part of the exercise because many times, when I get questions wrong, I don’t know why it’s wrong, because to me, it sounds correct. But when they explained to me why it’s wrong, it was very helpful and gave me the chance to sit there and think about it more, and then to try again. It also helped that there was no time limit, because when there is one, I get nervous and don’t allow myself to read thoroughly and to think critically.

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